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Incorporating smoothies can be an incredibly effective way to help improve your fitness and wellness. A smoothie containing branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) will not only boost post-workout recovery, but also reduce muscle breakdown during training. Trying to reach your ideal race weight? Nutrient-dense smoothies can help curb your appetite. Crunched for time in the morning? A smoothie is a great on-the-go breakfast option that will save valuable minutes.
Needless to say, smoothies are a great opportunity to help improve your fitness while enjoying some down time between your training sessions. But not all smoothies are created equal. Some of your favorite blended beverages are loaded with added sugar and other unhealthy ingredients. Check out these tips on how to optimize your smoothie:
Choose Almond Milk over Orange Juice
Orange juice is a commonly used base in smoothies, but the extra sugar it contains can cause an insulin spike which often leads to rapid energy loss, known as a “sugar crash.” A typical cup of orange juice contains 21 grams of sugar. Skip the simple sugars and opt-in for unsweetened almond milk, a substitute that is lower on the glycemic index. Take a quick look in the dairy aisle and you will easily find options with no extra sugar added.
If you’re worried about leaving orange juice out of your smoothie because of its high vitamin C content, then try incorporating fresh strawberries into your recipe. One cup of whole strawberries contains 141% of your daily value of vitamin C.
Add Whey Protein
Whey protein isolate like BiPro is ideal for smoothies, adding 20 grams of protein to your delicious beverage. Whey protein is a necessary addition to a smoothie, making it more valuable by providing your muscle tissue the building blocks needed to strengthen and stay healthy all season long. Many of the world’s top athletes choose BiPro as their protein supplement because of its natural ingredient list, no sugar and incredible flavors.
Go for the Greens
Adding spinach or kale to your smoothie may not sound appetizing, but leafy greens can turn your recovery drink into a superfood bomb without compromising the taste. Adding these anti-inflammatory greens will provide an array of vitamins and minerals your body desperately needs to perform at a high level. Aside from the powerful antioxidants, you will also benefit from a high dosage of iron and calcium. Combining greens with fruit and strawberry BiPro protein powder will create a concoction that not only satisfies your palate, but has the potential for giving you an extra edge in preparation for your next race.
Give Coconut Water a Try
Coconut water has built a reputation as the go-to drink for ultimate hydration. Although we can’t help but think of tropical locations and palm trees when it is mentioned, unflavored coconut water is now easily available. This nature’s best electrolyte drink is known for its perfect balance of sodium and potassium. It has become widely popular in the endurance world, especially among those training and competing for long durations or in hot environments. Combine coconut water with BiPro and some of the ingredients mentioned above and you will have a recovery beverage that simply can’t be matched.
In need of delicious smoothie recipes? Check out the free BiPro Smoothie Cookbook. Each recipe has a serving of BiPro protein powder for added nutritional value!
Looking for high-quality protein powder to add to your smoothies? Go to BiProUSA.com and use the promo code ATHLINKS at checkout to receive 50% off your order! Offer expires February 5th.