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Jeri Villarreal is a 41 year old, mother of 3 and age-group triathlete with a focus on half-iron distance triathlons. She has accomplished 2 years of racing in triathlon and has quickly proven to have the perseverance and dedication to excel in triathlon. In 2016, she placed 2nd in her age group in the Newton Triathlon Short Distance race in Newtown, Missouri. Jeri has shown the fortitude and strength to race effectively while covered for modesty. She is currently training for Ironman Cartagena 70.3 scheduled December 3, 2017 in Cartagena, Colombia. This race will be her second Half Ironman race. In 2018 she has an aggressive racing schedule consisting of 2 Sprint distance triathlons, 2 Olympic distance triathlons and 4 Half-Iron distance races along with several 5/10 and 15K running races and 2 Half Marathons.

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