What if there existed one simple solution in our fight against food insecurity, water quality, climate change, global poverty, healthcare & our dependence on pharmaceuticals, and even the survivability of current and future pandemics?
And what if that solution was literally right under our feet? Today on the Athlinks Podcast, we are diving into our soil with Jeff Tkach, my friend and former colleague, and current Chief Impact Officer at the Rodale Institute. For over 70 years, the Rodale Institute has been the global leader in regenerative organic agriculture. A journey that started with J.I. Rodale’s simple mission statement: “Healthy Soil = Healthy Food = Healthy People”.
It’s a bit off the beaten path, but in our mission to help more people, race more often, and have more fun in the process, a healthy body is a critical starting point.
Jeff gives us some much-needed hope that shows a movement gaining serious momentum. Take, for instance, a 4 fold increase in direct farm-to-consumer sales in the first quarter of 2020 alone. Join us to find out how you can play your meaningful part in this movement.
Rodale Institute
Biggest Little Farm Documentary
Kiss the Ground Documentary
Pocono Organics